Oasis Connect Mental Health Platform

Employee App

Easy Access to Mental Health Professionals & Self-Care Tools

Easy Access To Mental Health Professionals & Self-Care Tools

Instant Support

Employees can connect with a Support Counselor 24/7 in under 60 seconds.

Early Intervention

Oasis helps employees and companies make meaningful changes before crisis situations emerge.

Private & Secure

All data is fully encrypted to ensure the highest level of data privacy and security.

Support Chat​

Private, On-Demand, and Anonymous Chat for Emotional Support, Referrals, and General Information.

Customizable Access

Customize the hours that your employees can start a chat with one of our mental health professionals. Up to 24/7 support is available.

On-Demand Connection

Once a chat is initiated, your employee will be connected with a chat specialist in under 60 seconds!

Care Navigation

Support Counselors can help employees navigate other company and community resources if additional care is needed.

Company Connection

Company Connection

Enhanced communication to improve access and awareness of services and information.

Push Notifications

Send and schedule push notifications to employees to keep them updated on important events.

HR Messaging

Employees can privately send messages to your HR department to get the information they need without the fear of judgment.

Company Documents

Employees can easily review company documents related to employee assistance and work-related issues.

Self-Care Content & Tools

Self-paced content and wellbeing tools to help develop emotional intelligence. 

Guided Meditation & Exercises

Short video exercises offer helpful tips on grounding techniques, breathing exercises, managing emotions, mindfulness practices, productivity, and more!

Self-Paced Articles

Clinically reviewed articles that are written from a strength-based approach by subject matter experts. Articles highlight lived experiences, wellbeing strategies, and more!

Mood Log

Employees can log their moods each day to get customized recommendations and quick tips that fit their current moods.

Self Care Content

Oasis Connect Can Lower Employee Turnover

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